Thursday, September 24, 2009

Learning Habits

The most challenging habit for me to employ is self-confidence. I am at heart a Neo-Ludite; technology has never been something I felt comfortable employing, and I am anxious about my ability to successfully learn and utilize new technology skills. I kind of "know what I know", and it is often an ego hit when I am outside my comfort zone. I think the most relevant habit for me as a lifelong learner is the habit of beginning and ending with the mind (goals). I live life in the mind, and work best when I set specific goals and work towards them. It would be a lie to say that I am always focused on the goals I have set, but it definitely a point of personal and professional growth for me to be goal oriented. I think that taking advantage of technology will be the most important habit I need to employ as I work through this course, and I am hoping that the "doing" will lead to understanding, and by extension, will reinforce the other lifelong learning habits.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome aboard! It looks like you're off to a great start!
