Monday, October 12, 2009

Thing #5- A Reader On the Reader

First, my apologies. I just noticed today that I am missing a post for things 5 and 6. I am rectifying that now. About the reader function in gmail: BRILLIANT! Anything that makes the overload of information less overwhelming and more managable is great. I find myself feeling satified rather than mystified when I am exposed to only the latest posts from sites and blogs I am interested in. I am having a great time reading the Literary Kicks posts. A complete literary/word nerd like myself is in heaven when I see a post entitled Does Literary Fiction Suffer from Dysfuctional Pricing?, and this site is full of things like this. It is finally a comfortable feeling to be linked to blogs because it is like having a subscription to my favorite magazines, and they are delivered daily. I am still struggling with the "read" function, and I have an overwhelming urge to click "all read" every now and then, but I think I will manage.


  1. Be careful when you click that--everything goes POOF! I just figured out the star function, but I think those I put a star by have since disappeared as well, so maybe I didn't have it figured out. The one that overwhelms me is NPR, which daily puts about 50 things in there. I've got to figure out how to subscribe to just the feeds I want from NPR; I'll ask NinjaMickey. . .

  2. I think of all the "things" the Google Reader has really changed my professional reading habits! Although I do have some "fun" stuff too!
