Monday, October 12, 2009

Thing #9- I Have Sand in My Shorts

What rock have I been living under that has isolated me so much from technology that everything about it- EVERYTHING- seems so foreign and difficult to me? I went to the sandbox, I took my shoes off, I stepped over the edge, and I found myself in a swimming pool gasping for air. O.K. I will forgo the drama for a moment to outline my experience. Thing #9 has taken me longer to complete than any other thing, however, I have been able to use what I have learned in previous things in a way that made my new skills feel practical for the first time. I think I get creating links now, and following the formatting instructions actually made sense as I completed each step in the sandbox page process. I played in the sandbox for a while and viewed the pages of others to get a feel for things, and I think I actually have a feel for things (in the loosest way possible). My sandbox page is as complete as it can be without Thing #10, and I will add that component as I can. I am cautiously excited that I am building something now, instead of the random wanderings I engaged in previously, but I stress the word cautious. I am curious to see when/if I recognize that Web 2.0 skills are in my grasp and applicable to my educational goals, for myself and my students. I am looking forward to playing in the sand and squishing it between my toes...I should probably take my shoes off first. That is the scary part.

1 comment:

  1. You are so right about how the sandbox does allow us to use the things that we have learned in other activities, the practical implications (is this the right word) the sandbox provides. It does feel good to get through the step-by-step processes and to end up with something that we've created, a living, breathing beast that has the ability to continue to grow and change with our skills and our needs. As far as what we can do with this in the classroom, I believe Salinger has already experimented (she's so brave). I won't still her thunder, so maybe, she'll fill us in.

    You have the skills and the desire, so go ahead, put your sunglasses on, dab some sunscreen on your nose, grab your castle forms and your shovels, take those shoes off, and dive on in.
