Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Thing #12: Electric Slide

My slideshow is a tribute to a very mischievous kitten named Toby. I just adopted him, and he is obsessed with unrolling the toilet paper and carrying it to his secret hidey-hole. Based on his commitment to this project, I am convinced he dreams of nothing else. The frustrating part of this thing was the fact that half of the listed slide sites were inaccessible through the school network, and I worry that students who do not have at home internet access are out of luck if asked to use these functions. Therefore, I hesitate to set them up for failure and disappointment if our district will not allow them to utilize these technologies. What a shame.
1. sleepyhead bella by wicked one
2. cimg1671 by 9.81 meters per second squared
3. img_20070120_0001 by cosimba2


  1. Sweet slide show! It's Toby-rific! I also agree with your comment concerning site inaccessibility. I hadn't thought of that until now, but you're right . . . much of what we are doing in the 23things is inaccessible to students without internet connection at home. I could rage on but I will spare you THIS angry tirade. :P

  2. OOOOH! I just noticed your title! EXCELLENT!

  3. It is frustrating but we do have a committee that reviews requests and sometimes unblocks the blocked sites. Just fill out the allow form explaining how you will use with students.

  4. Maybe if you'd feed the poor baby, he wouldn't have to dig around in the bathroom for something to eat and then hide it in his hidey hole.
